1.1. Introduction

Thank you! For buying one of our template, if you find any kind of issue or bug, don’t hesitate to contact us.

We will resolve your problem as soon as possible.

Template information: #

  • Name: Two
  • Author: medhallal
  • Platform: WordPress
  • Latest Update: September 15, 2023 – version 2.0.0

Features #

  • Super Light and Modern design.
  • Constantly updated.
  • Translation ready (English, Arabic and Spanish included).
  • Minified and Optimized code.
  • ACF Pro bundled (save $49).
  • Dedicated advertising section (below header, before, inside and after post content, custom advertise to place anywhere).
  • Advertising section between grid posts. demo here
  • Supports menu with icons
  • Sticky sidebar for Posts
  • Lazy Load for Lists (home pages, archives, categories, etc.).
  • Lazy Load for post content.
  • Lazy Load for embed (iframes like YouTube / Vimeo / SoundCloud).
  • HTML5 & CSS3 ready.
  • 4 Single post dispositions
  • No Sidebar Style for Posts and Pages, see here.
  • Custom Tag page, see here.
  • Custom Author page, see here.
  • Custom 404-Page see here.
  • About me Widget.
  • Search Widget.
  • Custom Galleries.
  • Advertising sections.
  • Disqus Support.
  • Fully responsive.
  • Video Support (Vimeo, YouTube, etc.).
  • Retina Display Ready.
  • Font Awesome icons.
  • Works on Android, iPad and iPhone.
  • Documentation included.
  • Clean Design.
  • Well Coded.
  • Navigation Menu.

Requirements #

Two is a WordPress theme, so the basic requirements are the same as WordPress