Table of Contents
This section will explain the basics concepts of optimization to get the highest score on Google Page Speed test.
Factors that could affect the speed #
- The amount of plugins could affect your server speed, for example if you have a lot of plugins, that will add CPU load to your website, and that will have a negative impact on Google Page Score, so it is recommended to keep a low amount.
- Avoid using PNG or GIF images, they are not optimized and will affect the score.
- External scripts could have a very negative impact on your website (this means that every time your website is loaded, it must wait until the third party server render the content) like AdSense and Iframes in general (like Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
- Your server could have a low amount of RAM assigned.
How to reduce the negative factors: #
- Reduce the amount of plugins installed, if you are not using one plugin or the benefits to keep it activated are not good enough, it is recommended to deactivate it.
- Always use JPG images and check our Optimize Image section.
- If you want to use advertising, check our Lazy AdSense or Async Scripts solutions (inside Theme Options ⇒ Optimization) to reduce the negative impact. Also enable Lazy Load for Iframes on Theme Options ⇒ Optimization.
- Install a cache plugin, some servers will work better with Autoptimize and others with W3 Total Cache.